


We enjoy your feedback!!! Please feel free to share your testimonials on our portfolio of products via info@hummingbirdsoapstudiobim.com.   Note that any testimonial(s) which are received will be viewed as permission to share here.  (We will only share your first name and first initial of your last name or just your initials if so desired).  

Lotion and Body Butter Workshop 

"I thought the workshop was very inclusive in terms of the manner in which it was taught, the product knowledge given and Oh! Did I like my goodie take-home kit."

- Mareka H.


Beginners Soap Making Workshop

In addition to the booklet with the course notes, we were also very involved in the soap making process.  This made retention easier and of course Julia’s patient, down to earth and engaging personality made this class fun. Julia shared lots of tips and tricks and I felt empowered to start making soaps on my own.  After acquiring the necessary ingredients I started the process at home,  Julia was just a message away providing guidance on any area in which I needed help!
This course is one of the best and the after service contact is amazing!
I would recommend it to anyone!"
- Donna W.
"Julia is an excellent teacher - pure and simple. 
Soapmaking can be intimidating at first, but her personality gives her an instant connection to her students and her teaching style gives you the confidence to try soap making on your own. You leave class raring to go!  Plus her willingness to continue sharing her knowledge after class makes her second to none".
- Debra K. 


"I fully enjoyed the workshop and will encourage anyone interested in the field to be apart of it. The environment was friendly, also was more informative than others I’ve been to previously and to top it off fun and full of laughter".
- Kelsi M.


"The knowledge gained, the friendly environment, the continuous feedback and advice after classes is 100%!",

- Heather A.


"It was always my desire to learn soap making, so when I found out about the soap and lotion making classes offered by Hummingbird Soap Studio, I jumped at the opportunity to register and shared the information with two of my friends who also benefited from the classes. Julia our tutor, was not only well verse on the topics but she made the sessions easy to follow, was very attentive and provided us with continuous support.  I would definitely recommend these classes to anyone".
- Karen G.